Sunday, January 25, 2009

How To Recognize A Negative Attitude

How you feel and how you react is in direct relation to how you think. Some people let random circumstances predict their day.

For example, they go to make coffee and find there is none left. They start the day by sarcastically thinking, "Oh great, this going to be a good day". Then, for the remainder of the day, they allow minor inconveniences, unexplained challenges, or other less than ideal events to reinforce their original negative thought.

You can recognize their negative attitude just by listening to how they talk.

If you allow your mind to dwell on unhappy situations, you can expect your day to unfold in the same manner.

Look forward to your day and don't let negative thoughts control it. Change how you interpret or react to life's events, and you actually change your attitude from a negative one to a positive one.

If you run out of coffee, change your thought to: "if this is the worse thing that could happen to me today the rest of my day will be great."

If you continually think negative thoughts then you are setting yourself up to allow only negative events to be your companion for the rest of the day. When something good does occur, you won't even recognize it.

YoU aRE ImpoRtanT?

Always remember you are unique and you are important. There is no one else in the world quite like you. You are special. There never has been and there never will be anyone like you again.

Don't let people take away your respect for yourself. No matter what they say or do remember that you are very important and a worthwhile person, and always retain respect for yourself. They cannot take away your self respect and dignity, for you control what you think of yourself and no one else.

You have your own special qualities and talents, and though you may not have the talents and gifts that someone else has, you have your own talents and gifts that others do not have. No one else can be you. Only you can be you. Try to be the best you possible.

Remember also that you are important to other people. You cannot help but touch the lives of other people as you go through life. There are many people who need your love and support, and who look up to you, and want to emulate you. People you may not even be aware of need you, and watch your life, and if you give up and fail yourself, you are failing them and letting them down too.

And you are important in the eyes of God. The Bible says that God loves you very much. The Bible says that God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for you.